Stay Awake!
"Remember, therefore, what you have received and heard; hold it fast, and repent. But if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what time I will come to you." Revelation 3:3 (NIV)
April 20, 2021
Jury Finds Derek Chauvin Guilty of Murdering George Floyd
The jury has reached a verdict in the trial of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin for his role in the death of George Floyd, finding Chauvin guilty on all three counts, including the murder of Floyd.
Floyd died last May after Chauvin, a white officer, pinned his knee on or close to the 46-year-old Black man’s neck for about 9 1/2 minutes.
Chauvin has now been determined guilty on three charges ranging from second-degree murder, also known as felony murder, to second-degree manslaughter, which would mean Floyd's death occurred due to culpable negligence.
CBN News
April 20, 2021
''Medical Apartheid': 1,200 UK Christian Leaders Warn Vaccine Passports Will Lead to 'Surveillance State'
More than 1,200 leaders of churches in the United Kingdom have asked Prime Minister Boris Johnson not to establish so-called vaccine passports.
In an open letter to Johnson, the Anglican and Catholic clergy warn requiring such a license to prove COVID-19 status could create a "surveillance state."
The government maintains it's reviewing "COVID status certification" and no decisions have been made.
CBN News
January 28, 2021
As the Left Labels Christians 'Extremists', Allen West, Newt Gingrich, Jenna Ellis Speak Out for Freedom
Many Christians are concerned about the militancy of the progressive movement these days, from "cancel culture" warriors who want to "deprogram" conservatives to the far-left actions already being taken by the new Biden administration.
On Wednesday, My Faith Votes sponsored a special virtual event titled "Faith Under Fire", hosted by John Solomon, editor-in-chief of justthenews.com. cont.........
CBN News
January 29, 2021
JERUSALEM, Israel – Israeli researchers announced the groundbreaking discovery of three scraps of biblical purple fabric dating back to the time of King David and King Solomon.
Researchers from Tel Aviv University, Bar Ilan University, and the Israel Antiquities Authority stumbled upon the rare finding while working in the Timna Valley, an ancient copper production center in southern Israel.
This dye, created from a species of Mollusk, is mentioned multiple times in the Bible and this discovery marks the first time purple-dyed Iron-Age textiles have ever been found in Israel and the southern Levant.
“This is a very exciting and important discovery,” Dr. Naama Sukenik, curator of organic finds at the Israel Antiquities Authority, said in a statement.
CBN News
April 19, 2021
Biden Admin Allows 'a Marketplace for Aborted Baby Body Parts' Using Taxpayer Money
The Biden administration is allowing university researchers and government scientists to use human fetal tissue for medical research.
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is reversing a Trump-era policy that had banned the use of tissue from elective abortions.
As CBN News reported in June of 2019, the Trump administration announced government scientists would no longer be allowed to conduct research using aborted baby body parts. And taxpayer dollars would no longer be used to fund that research at the University of California, San Francisco following an investigation into UCSF's research practices. The investigation was part of a broader audit to see if American taxpayer money is helping pay for research involving the body parts of aborted children.
January 8, 2021
Amid the Biden administration’s intention to return to the Iran Nuclear Deal, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a serious warning considering Iran’s nuclear agenda.
With the Trump administration coming to its conclusion over the next two weeks, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu extended his thanks to the 45th president for his many accomplishments in the last four years, especially in the Middle East. However, he also issued another warning to the incoming Biden administration regarding its conditional commitment to returning the Iran Nuclear Deal, also known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).
CBN News